Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why Move To The Villages

Most of my old friends don't "get it". They couldn't understand what would motivate me to sell my home, dispose of most of my things and move 1200 miles away. I tried to explain the concept, the newness, the good weather....

Once they visit they "get it". As one of my guests said when they visited last Spring "It's like you live in Disneyland". Last week she changed her opinion and decided it was more like Universal's theme park.

The closest I can explain is that it's like "A Happening". You know, one of those 60's-70's things that I didn't have the courage to indulge in. I was a Young Republican, we didn't protest the war. We weren't hippies, we went to class, we got jobs, opened IRA's.

I love the ads on TV "Remember the generation that said they would never get old..." I am part of that generation and I don't feel old. I still register shock when I look in the mirror.

Call this place what you will, geriatric Disney (or Universal), America's Friendliest Hometown" or call it A Happening. At times it feels like college with your own house and no "dorm mother". Put whatever label you want, it's just a really cool place.

Will my generation ever grow up?

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