Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Pets in The Villages

The Villages presents itself as America's Friendliest Hometown and pet friendly. For the most part this is true. Everyone just loves my dog Homer. There's a kind of a 2 pet rule but they don't really mean it.

One of my friends, Claudettia, actually took this "rule" so seriously she actually flushed her turtle (Speedo) because she was over the limit. It was a damn shame. A friend of mine on TOB told me the truth, you can have as many as you want. She also ignores the leash law and turns them loose, they always come back. According to her the secret is to dress them alike and people lose count. It seems to work for her, she moved in with six and now has 9 or 10-she's right, you lose count when they're dressed alike-you can't argue with success.

Another thing that's subject to discussion is therapy animals. I guess whatever gives you comfort is a comfort pet. One of my neighbors just bought a Miniature Therapy Horse named Ethel. This thing is so damn cute, we all just love Ethel to death, except busy-body loser who complained, so Ethel got a lawyer.  If she wins I would love a mini donkey. Time will tell.

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